Historical taser usage
Historical taser usage
We’ve gone back as far as we can with this data, but a lot of the older data is not all that useful. Newer data is included in the use-of-force data.
In rough order of time period:
- pre-2011/table1-2004-2010-total.csv shows type of taser usage broken down by police force, but covers the entirety of 2004-2010 in each row
- pre-2011/table2-2009-2010.csv shows type of taser usage broken down by police force, covering 2009-2010. The format isn’t particularly easy to deal with, but is included for completeness
- historic-ced-usage/2011-2016.csv shows type of taser usage by year, but covers the whole of England and Wales and isn’t broken down by police force
- by-ced-type-force-region/2015-revised.csv is where the data starts being more useful. The data is broken down by type and police force for the calendar year of 2015
- by-ced-type-force-region/2015-revised.csv similar to the 2015-revised data, but for 2016. Note that the use-of-force data updates this file.
If you want taser usage by police force broken down by time period in a single file, then you may instead want to use 0004-taser-usage