Collated type of taser use broken down by police force and year

Collated type of taser use broken down by police force and year

Note that the reporting dates change from calendar year to financial year part way through this file. The following year-ends are currently included in this file:

  • 2019-03-31
  • 2018-03-31
  • 2016-12-31
  • 2015-12-31

This file only contains individual police forces, so it should be safe to sum the columns

We have similar data for 2009-2010 in cleaned_data/taser-use/pre-2011, but because of the big gap this is not included. We also have similar data covering the entirety of 2004-2010 in the same directory - ie. not broken down by year.

Taser use by force by year

Pivoted years to forces

Pivoted years to forces with percentage changes